The event is organized under the coordination of the Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (IDC) of the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest (Romania) and it is held fully in person. The official languages of all the activities are English and French. The primary working language is English and we expect most abstracts, papers, presentations and discussions to be in this language. Pre-organized panels or round tables in French may be also accepted.
The 9th edition of SCOPE: Science of Politics - International Interdisciplinary Conference of Political Research (19-21 September 2024, University of Bucharest, Romania) is dedicated to the exploration of TRUST.
From climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent infodemic, and from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the recent multiple turmoil points in the Middle East, various crises keep the issue of trust in politics high on both the national and international public agendas. As new digital technologies, especially Artificial Intelligence (AI), are increasingly present in the public space, so are the concerns about the distortions of reality for political and / or economic purposes which may radically alter the democratic landscapes and even the very fabric of contemporary societies. At the same time, such substantive issues cannot be fully grasped and tackled without addressing the contemporary dynamics of trust as topic of political research, without investigating their connection to democratization processes, human rights concerns, or their international impact and socio-economic implications, and without exploring the connection between research and public policies. READ THE FULL CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
Like for all previous editions, with the support of the Research Committee 33 (The Study of Political Science as a Discipline) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), the conference also includes a special section dedicated to debating current challenges in our discipline. Celebrating 160 years since the modern establishment of the University of Bucharest, SCOPE 2024 also marks the International Day of Peace (21st of September) with a special event that brings together diplomats and scholars to debate on current international affairs and trust in international relations dynamics.
Current Global Trends on Trust [19.09, 10:30]: Prof. Christian WELZEL (World Values Survey Association)
Populism and Trust in Contemporary Democracies [20.09, 11:00]: Prof. Sorina SOARE (University of Florence)
Trust-Building in a Fractured World: The Role and Potential of Digital Diplomacy [21.09, 11:00]: Prof. Corneliu BJOLA (University of Oxford)
Special roundtables and policy debates (public events)
How Can Research Inform Policy [19.09, 16:30]
Macro-Level Political and Socio-Economic Data About Romania: What We Have vs. What We Can, and Should Have (and How to Get There) [20.09, 16:30]